Bus Route Information
Where is my child's bus stop?
Email or call your school to get the most up-to-date bus information.How can I check my child's bus assignment?
For bus route questions or concerns, contact the HGES Office at 256.851.4540.
Bus Information
19-07 Elephant Mike Bowen
10-55 Dog Jacquie Boyle
21-41 Cow Troy Cantrell
17-91 Turtle Cheris Carden
20-16 Fish Shane Wells
10-54 Monkey Jim Thomas
22-02 Snake Nikki West
18-71 Mini Bus John Darwin
09-55 Mini Bus William Stewart
School Zone Finder
What school zone am I in?
Infofinder is an enhanced service that will allow Madison County Schools parents the ability to look up school information by entering a particular street address (including zip code). This program is for reference only. Please Brenda Bethune or 256.859.9447 ext 64028 to verify addresses.
Find my school zone at this link
Contact Us
Hazel Green Elementary Office
Phone: 256.851.4540